It's Fun. It's Easy. It's You.
As a Crunchi Pop-up Host, not only will you get rewarded - you get to tailor your event to your style.
Want to throw a mocktail party? That's perfect! Or do you prefer a coffee date in yoga pants? Because that is just fine too! Is a video chat more your speed? We can make that happen! Your Pop-Up - to fit your needs.
Your Crunchi Advocate will help you with all of the details and will make sure that not only do you and your guests learn everything you need to know about the Clean Beauty Movement and Crunchi products, but that you have a fabulous time while earning Crunchi Cash!

How it Works
Crunchi products are rigorously screened for questionable or harmful chemicals, setting a new standard for high-performing beauty products. This story is unique and best told person-to-person. As a Host, you’re inviting your loved ones to learn more about safer alternatives to the beauty products they’re already using. And remember, your Advocate will be there to help you from start to finish.
The Rewards
We value our Hosts – and make no mistake - they are rewarded. When a Pop-up reaches $300*, Hosts are eligible to earn CrunchiCash - and the rewards only grow from there. If your friends can’t make it they can still shop your Pop-up online.
Hold a Pop-up